Ilaria and life: Cruelty-free fashion and beauty

Cruelty-free fashion and beauty

Hi everyone!
Guess this is going to be quite a long post.
When I decided to start writing a fashion/beauty blog I didn't really think that it would have been easy and that I would have gain a lot of subscribers in few days.
Now, I REALLY do understand that we are still not a super large number, but today, even if I don't have a huge audience yet, I want to talk about a VERY important issue:

Cruelty free fashion and beauty

I decided to become TOTALLY cruelty free in beauty stuff months ago and now I can proudly say that I made it. Maybe I had to stop browsing on MAC Cosmetics online store, but it's for a good cause. 
Now I want to tell you the story behind my decision, hoping you'll decide to follow me.

One year ago I was watching a TV program with my boyfriend called : "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern". Maybe you have seen this program before, because I'm aware of the fact that it's a quite famous program. 
In that episode Andrew was in Barcellona and he was at the restaurant attending his giant crab to be cooked.
At a certain point I started to cry. In the program they showed how this crab was cooked..and killed.
And I started to cry when the cook ripped the crab pincer and legs while it was still alive. 
Just like that, it was so easy to do, rip everything and throw what remained of the crab in a pot of boiling water. 
I've always known that crabs, shrimps and lobsters were cooked that way, but then, when I really saw it, in a TV program, without any regret, without any hesitation, as a mechanic job.. I realized that there was something SO wrong. 
With this awareness, I decided that I wanted to go against those principles and I decided that also, I wanted to try to become a vegetarian. But now I don't want to talk about vegetarian, vegan and stuff.
This is a choice, because we are born to eat meat, it's our nature. 
But to treat animals in horrible ways for our beauty and arrogance is another story.

This story, was just something personal to make you understand my point of view. 
I was already a WWF and a Lipu partner, but then I started some researches and I found out other amazing companies such as Greenpeace and Animal Equality. 
Then one day on Facebook I discovered the PETA organization ( At that time I already knew Peta, but I wasn't so informed on its programs and stuff).
I visited the online official site and I found out something incredibly useful: the cruelty free companies list. ( You can find it here: CLICK )

I was SO disappointed in discovering that there is an incredibly large number of massive companies testing on animals!
Then I continued to research informations on animal testing and stuff and I really realized something:

People don't want to see

That's the truth.
We don't really want to know what those animals have to tolerate EVERYDAY of their entire life just because of our vanity and arrogance. 
It's easier to being not conscious of what we are causing, what we are permitting.
I don't want to wear the sufferance of a living creature on my face, on my head or on my body.
That's so wrong, we are not even talking about medical researches on vaccines or diseases, we are talking about make up.

I started using products by: 

Limecrime Makeup
Neve Cosmetics 
Urban Decay

Moreover, fashion is cruel with animals too.
And I'm saying that as a fashion student.
I discovered things on D&G that I don't even want to think about now.
Few days ago, on the Animal Equality Facebook page I saw that video ( If you are easily impressionable don't watch the video, I want to share this because I WANT TO SEE, and I WANT PEOPLE TO SEE what really happens everyday. I cried during the whole video, but it was necessary to comprehend even more how important is to start saying "NO". PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch it and read the article, I want you to be strong and informed. ) 

Let me know what you think, because I don't have words to describe my feelings.
I can't comprehend how people can be so cruel being conscious of what they're doing. 
How can you kill an animal so easily? You don't even need to eat and survive, you don't even have to wear animals real fur on winter because otherwise you are going to die. We don't live in caves anymore.


And you know what?
I'am glad to have a fake fur coat in my closet. 
I like it and it keeps me warm.
That's all I need. That's all everyone in our society needs. 

I love animals and I want people to respect and protect them, if you agree with me, please, become a partner of the companies I mentioned in this post. It's free.

Also ( a quick off-topic ) Greenpeace collected more than 6 millions signature for the #SAVETHEARCTIC campaign. 
Join us HERE .

If you have any question, feel free to ask.

My reason to be cruelty free

My reason to be cruelty free
Take care

*I have to write the italian version of this post tomorrow*
*Tradurrò questo post in italiano domani*

3 commenti:

  1. Mmmh you lost me at "This is a choice, because we are born to eat meat, it's our nature." Do your research :)
    Comunque, la scelta cruelty free per quanto riguarda la cosmesi è da ammirare. Fortunatamente ultimamente la bio cosmesi va molto di moda e bio profumerie spuntano ovunque, per lo meno a Roma dove vivo io. Il buon 90% dei prodotti è sempre cruelty free, comunque basta controllare se non si è certi.
    Anche riguardo al vestiario: non dimentichiamo che cuoio, seta e lana sono ugualmente sfruttamento della sofferenza animale per pura vanità, tanto quanto la pelliccia. Se sei interessata a marchi di vestiario cruelty free fai un salto sul mio blog, ho una sezione intera dedicata a questi marchi! (
    Mi fa piacere essere capitata su questo blog comunque, non ti conoscevo :)

  2. Come ho detto io sto provando a diventare vegetariana, ma capisco che sia una cosa diversa in un certo senso. Certo che si possono rimpiazzare vitamine di origine animale con legumi o quant'altro, però è anche vero che un atleta vegetariano/vengano non va da nessuna parte! È inutile, siamo onnivori e siamo nati tali per un motivo. Certo se ne può TRANQUILLAMNETE fare a meno per le persone "normali" ma non sarà mai comunque la stessa cosa! Per questo l'ho voluta mettere su piani differenti! Comunque vado a vedere il tuo blog, piacere :))

  3. Non mi piace fare proselitismo riguardo alla dieta vegetariana, lascio che ognuno faccia le sue ricerche. Poi la scelta è una questione diversa, io stessa ho fatto avanti e indietro per oltre 10 anni (ne ho 27 e ho cominciato quando ne avevo 16).
    Anche sulla questione atleti avrei i miei dubbi, come ne ho su qualsiasi dichiarazione "o bianco o nero", soprattutto se si tratta di questioni così delicate e non risolte nemmeno a livello "scientifico/evolutivo". Sostanzialmente non "siamo nati per mangiare carne" e non è "la nostra natura". Semplicemente la possiamo mangiare. Ma nemmeno tanto. Siamo gli unici "animali" a dover cuocere la carne per poterla digerire. Comunque, ci sono moltissimi studi e disquisizioni su questo, il web ne è pieno.
    Però una cosa per esperienza personale la posso affermare: non si diventa vegetariani dall'oggi al domani. Si tratta di un processo e non è nemmeno per la questione "poverini". Certo, la questione di principio c'è, ma per me conta molto di più ascoltare il proprio corpo. Se il tuo ti dice di mangiare determinate cose, ascoltalo. Se eventualmente smetterà, o cambierà, ascoltalo comunque. (Oddio sarà stato lo yoga a farmi diventare una filosofa? Ahauauaua XD)
